behind the mask....

behind the mask....
“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. ...You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.” - The Lizard King

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

still waiting.....

the tide is turning
running over the beat less clock
across the barbed wire
lay a waiting pair of eyes
green emeralds. tired. dried.
eyes that lay open
in the darkness of day
and have never closed
in the hopeful nights
still waiting.....
the animosity is a bygone
claim the suited bureaucrats
the have signed the dotted
'peace treaty' they call the miracle
guns have fallen silent
thats what they are
they cant hear the cries
the howling of the mad
victims of a blast they are
more dead now, than they ever were
gunshots still match the heartbeat
'peace treaty' they call it
still waiting......
if words are to be believed
toy soldiers will go away
miracle will come true
vegetables will replace landmines
spouting a greener tommorow
not the bloody present
hatred will be given a burial
barbed wire 'll be booted down
distance will merge
she will get to see
whom the emerald eyes are straining for
the miracle will indeed come true
till then
still waiting......

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